(Take heed and observe. A friend, lover,
child, parent, or family member could be suffering right under your very nose.)
"A Few Reasons For Depression"
* Not being able to help, take care of, or provide for your family, friends, or a loved one.
* Feeling helpless
* Feeling like you have ruined your life.
* Being broke
* Feeling like you're "odd" or like you don't (or can't) "connect"
with others no matter how hard you try
* Not having enough Money, Freedom, or Time to do the things
you enjoy doing.
* Feeling inadequate in skills or appearance.
* Feeling like you're always coming in "second" to someone
* Feeling like a friend, family member, sibling, or someone
else you know gets more attention, love, and respect than you do
* Not knowing your purpose or "calling" in Life.
* Loneliness - not having someone that loves you or not having someone
to love.
Feeling that you are unloved by your family, or a family member, or a close friend.
* Constantly feeling that your friends are talking bad
about you behind your back (This may actually be a sign of depression although it can depress "young players" who depend on
friendships and bonds for happiness.).
* Feeling overwhelmed and stressed-out by the people you
live with - Not having help and support.
* Wanting to move forward in your life but too afraid to take risks.
Being too shy to interact with other people.
* Feeling overwhelmed by life or your responsibilities.
* Feeling
that you're not progressing because you're always afraid of being rejected or turned down.
* Feeling like you're an "oddball", or "different", or
like you can't "fit-in".
Always being misunderstood.
* Someone you love not returning the love or showing that they care and appreciate you.
Dumbasses and lazy people always doing things to make your job or life harder.
* Lazy people who don't do their job.
Afraid of failing or falling short.
* Afraid of jeopardizing your reputation.
* Afraid to challenge or offend
others although they are wrong, inconsiderate, and act like pigs or jackasses.
* Afraid of letting other people down
or of disappointing them.
* Afraid of being embarrassed or humiliated.
* Afraid of being what you want to be
because of what others might say or think.
* Fear of standing up for yourself.
* Not knowing how to stand up
for yourself.
* Not knowing how to express yourself effectively or clearly.
* Fear of losing.
* Fear
of being kicked to the curb (by someone you love or care for).
* Fear of hurting someone else's feelings or of causing
them pain so you keep the true emotions and thoughts bottled up inside.
* Fear of being exposed.
* Afraid to
* Afraid of speaking up or making a move and ending up in a worse situation.
* Afraid of getting older.
* Unhappy with your appearance or "looks".
* Unhappy with your personality and feeling out of place.
* Believing that your life should have been different.
* Feeling
like life has passed you by or believing it IS passing you by.
* Feeling sorry, angry, or humiliated about something
in your past.
* Not in the type of relationship you want to be in.
* Stuck in a relationship with someone you
don't want to be with.
* Stuck in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere.
* Being deceived, humiliated, disrespected, and kicked
to the curb by someone you thought you could trust.
* Not having
the type of job you'd like to have.
* Not knowing what you want to be or do in life.
* Feeling like your parents
ruined you or your life.
* Feeling like you're not good enough to be successful.
* Feeling like you don't have
the skills and talent you need to have to be successful.
* Afraid to try new things because you believe you're too
* Not knowing where to start or how to improve your life.
* Being sick of routine and your current life
but not knowing how to change it.
* Eating junk food all the time (foods, drinks, and drugs can affect our health and
* Other people interfering with your life.
* Too many people and/or distractions taking away your
* Feeling like you can't trust someone you love.
* Feeling betrayed by a close friend or relative.
Feeling like no one understands you or is willing to help you.
* Feeling like you're bad luck.
* Feeling like
you can't do anything right.
* Missing someone you love.
* Being afraid of the future.
* Wishing you
were still living a past event or situation (high school or childhood).
* Scrubs, haters, and losers f*cking with you
all the time (bullies and clowns).
* Bums and busters not doing what they're supposed to do - making your life miserable.
Feeling powerless to say what's on your mind for fear of retaliation or termination.
* Living in a loud chaotic home
where you can't concentrate or focus.
* Fear of venturing out on your own.
* Always thinking and fearing that the World is going
to end or be destroyed by war.