wack - below standards; silly; stupid; ridiculous
"I can't believe you said that. That's the wackest sh*t I ever heard."
war-games -
weight - money or a certain amount of money. to have in bulk. to deal in mass quantities.
well-rounded -
wheel-and-deal - to negotiate a trade; to bargain.
whip - transportation; usually a car or s.u.v. motorcycles are usually called bikes.
wifey - a female companion. usually a girlfriend but sometimes referring to married woman.
"Me and my girl have been kickin'-it for about six months now, so I guess I can call her my wifey."
wild-out - to be crunk; to have a good time; to have fun; to do something out of character or out of
the ordinary; outlandish
"During Spring Break is when most teenage and college kids go to the beach and wild-out."
winner - a True Playa or Diva. a go-getter. a successful person. a person with goals and the determination
to achieve them.
wishy-washy - indecisive; moody, constantly changing attitude.
work it - to do something well or to perform well; to use good game
The Player Lifestyle