name of the game - the main point, the thesis, the primary part.
niece - a female apprentice; a title given to a younger person to express love and friendship or "ties"
network - (1) to mix and mingle; to build resources; to make friends and allies; (2) to make yourself
known; to promote your name and your game; to politick
neurolinguistic programming (or "N.L.P.") - the predecessor to Jedi mind-tricking; "hypnotic language";
"subliminal" language
name-brand - (1) a product or "brand" usually of high quality and supreme construction; a thing manufactured
with quality as a top priority; (2) recognized as one of the best; well-known by name; (3) top of the line; top-shelf; one
of the best
nickel and dime (or "to nickle and dime") - (1) a five and dime store; a dollar store; inexpensive;
(2) cheap in quality; bootleg; (3) to often beg for money - "to nickle and dime" someone; to mooch; to bum money extensively
no-nonsense - (1) utmost seriousness; no time for foolishness, absurdity, bullshit, games, or play;
(2) a mercenary quality/character trait;
nymphomaniac - a young woman who stays "in heat"; a "loose" woman; a hoochie-mama
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