who IS my self?
people are always growing and changing, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse,
but how do you know which version of you at a given time in your life was/is your TRUE self? the one straining and striving
for perfection or the one who lives life carefree and lightly?
Your philosophies, beliefs, preferences, wants, needs, fears, insecurities, doubts, dreams, addictions,
fantasies. This is all you. As Earl Nightingale put it, "We are the sum of our thoughts"
Therefore, everything you think, say, and do is reflection of your character and the personality that you
have right now.
Many of us are afraid of being what we want to be because it means we must take chances and make changes.
Some of us fear what other people will think of us if engage in certain hobbies or interests.
Taking a different path than your friends or the people that you've known all your life can put you in a
position of loneliness.
"Elevate Your Mind, Body, and Soul..."
Fight Depression!
Depression - Things That Cause Depression
Depression - Fight Back Against Bad Luck!
Depression - Grieving Over The Loss Of A Loved One
Depression - "How Can I Go Back To The Way I Was Before?"
Depression - Why Do I Feel Under Pressure All The Time?
Depression - I Hate My Life
Depression - I Hate My Life 2