Let the other person speak for him or herself. If you really want to know what's going on in his or her
mind, don't try to lead him or her to give you the answers YOU want - or THINK are "right". Confirming the person's response
by repeating what they've said or what you think you've heard is cool, but don't forget to ask a "probing question" after
you confirm from them what they are actually saying.
Examples of Confirmation:
"Let me get this straight. Are you saying that you (saw; heard; told; spoke to; feel; think)..."
"Is that how you really feel about this situation?"
"So, you're telling me that you (think; believe; feel like; saw; overheard)..."
After you confirm what the other person is saying - without "putting words in his or her mouth" - then ask
the question...
Sally: "Are you saying that you think he's cheating on you?"
Mae: "Yes. I think he is."
Sally: "Why do you feel like that?"
"What makes you think he's cheating?" (How do you know?)
Then, the "probing question":
"Why do you think he would do something like that?"
"How did you find out about this?"
"What clues did you notice?"
"What do you think he's missing in the relationship?"
"Has he been behaving strange lately?"
"Who told you he was cheating?" (Why do you believe her?)
And there are many other questions that can be asked. All you have to do is use your imagination and KNOW
WHY YOU'RE ASKING THE QUESTIONS THAT YOU'RE ASKING. Is it to help you? Is it to help the person vent? Is it to help the person
discover solutions (or deal with) their problems? Whatever it is...
Remember: You're a Player, and that's what Players do. Players try to help others find Solutions. Therefore,
use your Game to help yourself and/or to help others. Asking better questions is the key.
Make moves.
Use your questions to help you explore the World around you, The Universe, Love, Your Inner Self, and your
own Thoughts and Beliefs.
Whatever is on your mind, asking better questions will help you explore it more in depth and give you a
better understanding of it.
This will tighten up your Game and take your Personal Vibe and Confidence to the next level.
Keep your pimp-hand strong
and keep it pimpin'...