They have been suckered and taken in by greedy con-artists, cheaters, and Mercenary Hustlers. They have been used, hoodwinked,
and bamboozled by Mercenary Pimps who have taken them for a ride for their hard-earned money! They have been exposed to bad
pimpin' because they did not recognize the Game.
They got played by gas-gougers, financial fools, and ponzi-scheme pimps!
We all have been played and it's a sad thing.
Luckily, all of the Mercenary Pimps have not escaped. Let "The Man" Regulate!
This has not only affected them, but it has affected the lives of decent families and hard-working Players in The Game.
Bad pimpin' has the entire World in great turmoil!
When will the doubters, suckers, and spectators open their eyes? When will they see and understand the true meaning and
ways of The Game? They are skeptics of everything so that day may never come.
But this is just a sample of the doubters ignorance.
Half of them believe they come from apes and they are probably right.
They can't see the forest for the trees.
Pimpin is everywhere. All around us. In us. And of us. "The Matrix" was only the tip of the iceberg...
Don't stress yourself over haters, doubters, and spectators. In the end, they shall have their reward. Just make sure you
get yours.
Keep your Game tight "young player".
Keep your mind focused. Enjoy your Life to the fullest and as best you can. Don't give in to the doubters nor let them
talk you out of your Goals or your Game...
Stand Tall and Keep it Pimpin'.