The Player's Dictionary

Doubters and Spectators

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"I'd rather see folks doubt what's true than accept what isn't."
- Frank A. Clark

"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
- Bertrand Russell

"Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory." - Alan Alda

Suckers, Doubters, and Spectators In The Game

There are many people in the World who underestimate the power of The Game.

Some of these people are successful.

Some of them are struggling in life.

Some of them live average lifestyles.

And though they be of different backgrounds, live different lifestyles, yet believe in the "come-up", all of them may still doubt the reality of The Game.

Many of them doubt and criticize almost everything. It's in their nature to do so. They only believe in their own opinions and advice.

Some of them are haters and some of them think they know everything.

But in reality, their opinions and experiences are only limited to their lives. And that's all that they see. And the only thing they believe. Once they experience a thing, they accept it as Absolute Truth. If they fail at a something, or if anyone they know fails at something, they believe EVERYONE will fail at it.

They don't believe other people can rise and overcome because they (or someone they know) couldn't do it.

Their pride and "experience" won't allow them to see or understand anything except the World around them.

yea, it's a shame that a lot of them are good people and yet so many are assholes and jerks who are stubborn and hard-headed.

They love to argue and debate EVERYTHING.

Many of them put faith in their own devices and wisdom.

Now, their ignorance, pride, and wisdom has cost them their good fortune.

They ignored the perils and evils of The Game before it was too late.

They reveled in their own world as they lived high on the hog and ignored the Wisdom of History and The Game.

They put their trust in The Mercenary Pimp and believed he kept their funds and bank accounts safe. But Mercenary Pimps live to line their own pockets.

The doubters looked down on the meek and the poor and turned up their noses to those caught in "The Struggle". Their pride led them to believe they were safe from poverty and the pitfalls of The Rat Race.

They doubted the skills, wisdom, and game of the True Players and Aspiring Dons and Divas. The doubters thought that the Players were foolish in their study and practice of The Game.

Yea, some did fall by the wayside because they lost sight and did revel in the come-up.

And reveling in their joy and newfound wealth, they did turn a blind eye to the Wisdom of The Game. But those who will remember the ways of Elevation shall once again achieve Success and a good Status.

But many of the doubters will not return to the Top of their Game.

They have been suckered and taken in by greedy con-artists, cheaters, and Mercenary Hustlers. They have been used, hoodwinked, and bamboozled by Mercenary Pimps who have taken them for a ride for their hard-earned money! They have been exposed to bad pimpin' because they did not recognize the Game.

They got played by gas-gougers, financial fools, and ponzi-scheme pimps!

We all have been played and it's a sad thing.

Luckily, all of the Mercenary Pimps have not escaped. Let "The Man" Regulate!


This has not only affected them, but it has affected the lives of decent families and hard-working Players in The Game.

Bad pimpin' has the entire World in great turmoil!

When will the doubters, suckers, and spectators open their eyes? When will they see and understand the true meaning and ways of The Game? They are skeptics of everything so that day may never come.

But this is just a sample of the doubters ignorance.

Half of them believe they come from apes and they are probably right.

They can't see the forest for the trees.

Pimpin is everywhere. All around us. In us. And of us. "The Matrix" was only the tip of the iceberg...

Don't stress yourself over haters, doubters, and spectators. In the end, they shall have their reward. Just make sure you get yours.

Keep your Game tight "young player".

Keep your mind focused. Enjoy your Life to the fullest and as best you can. Don't give in to the doubters nor let them talk you out of your Goals or your Game...

Stand Tall and Keep it Pimpin'.



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* Original definition from DZL MEDIA's "Promise Of Devotion" Series. (Copyright 2007)

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