"Beware of gossips and those whose mouths never tire of talking, for all of your
secrets they will tell."
"How To Tell The Difference Between A Player And A Ho."

Listen closely Aspiring Players and let thine ears be filled with knowledge about Players
and The Game...
The World of full of people who are full of sh*t. Their tongues and minds are coated with
lies, trickery, and deceit. They delight in mischief and manipulation. They are vain and obsessed by vain pleasures.
They are unreliable and delight in lies. Unfortunately, many of these people are "players" with Supreme Game. The Babes and
Sheep cannot escape their powers. The "young players" are hypnotized by their pride and powers of persuasion. Many Aspiring
Playas and Divas are turned to their way of life - A lifestyle that is given to "tricking", trifling, ho-ing,
and manipulation for "favors" - low-level sh*t. Their minds cannot see The Big Picture. This is part of the Dark Side
of The Game.
These "players" thrive on sex. They run for sex. They live for sex. They fight for sex. They
die for sex.
But, this is not the lifestyle of a True Player with a strong mind and good Game.
The desire for sex and intimacy is natural. And greed for sex might be a natural thing. It
might also be an addiction.
But "players" who "trick" for sex and those who are well-known as "hoes" will eventually
let their sex-addiction be their downfall. Sex, pursuit of sex, and romantic games will always dominate their lives and
be a high priority.
They are willing to spend their last dollar on a hoodrat, ho, or a crackhead for sexual
favors and then beg and borrow to eat.
They are willing to "trick" for hoes, neglect their family, and cheat on their lovers
for a moment of satisfaction - Spending their bill money left and right. And blowing their hard-earned cash on "hoes" who are
really "pimpin" and playing them for suckers.
This is not The Game. This game is called, "trickin'" (or "twerking") and it is a game of
"hoes playin' hoes".
It's true: A True Player might be addicted to sex, or beauty, or a fetish, or a fantasy.
But, his or her first priority is Security, Finance, and Longetivity. His or her mind is always focused on The Big Picture
- Family First and Business Before Pleasure.
In The Game of Life, Sex is an important thing but not everything.
Yet, there are many players/tricks/hoes who possess Supreme Game. They are good at misleading
and manipulation. Their tongues are slick and they are good at conservation.
Just as Eve fell for the guile of the Serpent, so shall a maiden fall prey to the game of
"tricks" and "players" if HER game ain't tight. And how much more powerful was Samson over Delilah? Can a man with mediocre
game overcome the power of the p*ssy? Not if his game ain't tight.
Therefore, learn the "pimp principles" and avoid their tricks, traps, and snares! Be wise
and recognize their "games". All of them are not haters, but most are manipulators, so you must keep your eyes and ears open
at all times!
Don't be fooled by their charm, chivalry, or gifts. Hold on to your integrity and keep your
mind focused on the True Benefits of Life!
What a "player" really is...
Many men and women who call themselves "players" are really just hoes - sex-addicts and perverts!
True, they have some Game, but they are using it on a lower level. They use their Game to satisfy their addictions. They
are like crackheads and junkies who lie, cheat, and steal, just for that next "fix" - which is Sex. They can't control
themselves (or their loins), therefore, they are always "in a bind", always struggling, and always being used and manipulated
by tricks, pimps, and hustlers... They are the "players" of their Game, but they will always be the pawns in The Real Game.
They will always be the workers and laborers for the True Players and Bosses of the World and will never get ahead because
they do not see the Big Picture! They can't. Their eyes and hearts are filled with lust, greed, and deceit. And their
motives are those of player-haters and The Mercenary Pimp!
They are motivated only by sex and carnal pleasures.
But where are their REAL BENEFITS? When will they "come-up" and experience all the pleasures of Life
instead of being a slave to their addiction? It may never happen, because they are unfair to themselves... cheaters and robbers
of their own Destiny as well as the Desiny of others. And this is why True Playas and Divas - even the common man
and woman - despise these hoes.
So, hear the end of it: wannabe "players" are nothing more than sex-addicts, perverts, and hoes,
who "sell" themselves to satisfy their addictions or, to satisfy someone else's needs, desires, and addictions. They
play themselves out, therefore, the Treasures of Life that were meant for them will be enjoyed by others.
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