* Love what you do. When you love something, you are devoted to it. You analyze it, enjoy it, defend it, and you try
to understand it completely. You immerse yourself in it and study it from all angles and dimensions. But, it must bring you
some sort of satisfaction that can lead you to more emotional benefits and happiness. If it can't, it will not be worth pursuing
for an extended period of time.
* Know what you want and why you want it.
* Be Competitive. This is one of driving forces for advancement and improvement. It is also one of the supreme motivators
for success in any industry.
* Have good communication skills. Understand what you hear. Be clear about what you want and need. Be clear in your opinions
and statements. Ask effective questions.
* Never get complacent. The world constantly changes and stays in motion, therefore, you must stay active and in motion
to be on top of your game. Always strive to improve your personal life and your business.
* Be "Visionary" and Inventive. Let your imagination and dreams expand your creativity, options, enthusiasm, and drive.
* Be willing to take risks. Have a back-up plan. Ask effective questions. Keep your mind clear, calm, and focused
so that you will have the upperhand on the risks you take.
* Don't let Fear of speaking, taking action, or asking for what you want and need, keep you from doing what you're supposed
to do to get the job done. Be assertive. Sometimes be aggressive. But above all - Be confident in yourself and in your Game.
* Be willing to explore. Stay curious. Ask questions. Try new things. Read. Talk to people. Travel. Visit places in your
city or beyond. This helps to make you more aware of what's going on in life and well-rounded as a person.
* Don't waste too much time on one thing. Get it done, make sure it's done right, and move on. There is too much going
on to get stuck in one place - working and re-working the same job over and over again.
* Don't be afraid to say "No". Reject anything you don't need, can't use, or don't want to deal with. Too many commitments,
obligations, responsibilities, favors, and promises can wear you down and ruin your life and peace of mind. Don't worry about
making other people feel bad because you can't help them at the time. If you can't do it, you can't do it. They'll get over
it. If they're your friends, they'll understand. If they're not, you haven't lost anything anyway. Listen (if you have the
time), and use your good judgement to help you decide.
Complete list coming soon with a link to page.2.