The Player's Dictionary

The Rat Race - Game Theory

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"Behold "The Great Arena" which is Infinite and knows no bounds... Whose rules are governed by the Laws of Nature, Instincts, The G-Code, and the Laws of God and Man...

The Game begins before one's birth and is complete at the time of one's death. Therefore shall another Player take his place in The Arena among other Players until all of them too are called by Time...

So it is. So it shall be until Time has consumed them All...

"Game Theory"

"Open Your Eyes And Recognize The Game."

"The Rat Race"

In "The Rat Race", our lives are compared to mice dumped into a maze. They move about in a frenzy (bloodied and hysterical) - running to and fro - desperately searching for a way out or a morsel or crumb of that huge chunk of "golden" cheese. For those who find it, all of their prayers will have been answered. They can live "high on the hog" and enjoy all of Benefits of The Good Life. Those who struggle to find it, continue to run the guantlet and deal with the madness that is their current station in life.
The Maze is like an Insane Asylum out of control. It's jammed packed and crowded. There is confusion, chaos, dead-ends, traps, big ferocious rats, and cannibals, all fighting to survive...
It is a world without peace or mercy.
The scavangers manage to live off the crumbs. Some eat the dead. And some battle to the death for whatever remains. There are no teams. It's a dog-eat-dog world and each one is on his own.
Only a few mice are lucky enough (or wise enough) to make it to that Golden Lump of cheese.
All others continue to struggle in the Maze. They live a hard life... and die a cold and lonely death...

This is the philosophy of many who consider The Game of Life a "rat race". They believe Life is a fight for survival - and, a fight for survival of the fittest.
Some believe "the one who dies with the most toys will win The Game." They fight for power, pleasure, and status.
Others, who don't seek material wealth or status, fight for other Rewards and Benefits for themselves or for the lives of the less fortunate.
We are ALL striving for improvement and satisfaction.
We are ALL fighting for a taste of that golden lump of cheese which represents wealth, peace, power, prosperity, security, freedom, or an exit out of The Rat Race.
"Winners" enjoy the fruits of their labor. The "Losers" have to keep fighting to survive, to "fit-in", to accomplish their goals, or to earn their place among The Elite.
This is the nature of "The Game" and ALL games. We're all participating in an Event and taking certain actions while competing against certain obstacles as we try to achieve our Goals...
The obstacle may be oppression, deceit, old ways, new ways, dumb laws, crime, poverty, disease, rejection, ignorance, haters, or whatever. These are obstacles and challenges that we all have to deal with in order to keep from being sick, broke, sad, stressed out, or violated.
As long as man exists on this earth, he will have to "compete" against these obstacles and many more on a daily basis.
And it goes on and on in all societies - and on all levels of life - 24/7. 


The Elements of a Game:

A Start
First Breath, First Contact, Pre-Birth, Engagement
Genes; Parent's decisions, habits, and addictions impacts child's life; in smaller games - the approach, presentation, or first impression
A Finish
When "time" is called, the Player's time in The Game is complete; in smaller games - solving a problem or the accomplishment/completion of a goal
Goals, Dreams, Aspirations, Needs, Desires
To win or Improve one's life - socially, emotionally, physically, financially, spiritually, etc.
Desired Benefits
Love, Pride, Money, Status, Friendship, Power, Security, Other Gains
Emergencies, job loss, things breaking down, confrontation; people not doing what they should do or are supposed to do; doubts and rejections
Fines and Delay of Play
When rules are broken, tickets, termination, late fees, or incarceration will result if caught.
Score is measured by Advancement/Elevation - Classes, Income, Wealth, Position, Status, and Assets
Rules and Policies of Government, Businesses, and Social Interaction. Violation of "the rules" lead to penalty.
Personal Space; Acceptable and non-acceptable social behavior; right and wrong; good and bad; things that are Taboo
Time and Other Players
Time is the major competitor - time is always running out; Other competitors - Procrastion; other players, haters, and doubters; Complacency
Each man and woman must use their Game - their skills, philosophies, knowledge, training, and wisdom to thrive and to survive.
Motivation and Response
Communication, Working and Trading with others; Sharing; Buying and Selling, Influence, Persuasion

There is always competition and a "race" to be at the Top. There is always the drive to be the most Powerful - the biggest and The Best... or, to come in First... or, to be "The Original"... or, to make lots of Money.
We want different things but we are all always trying to gain something - Love, Appreciation, Friendship, Power, Status, Wealth, Peace, Prestige, and/or Respect.
A Player must be creative and willing to work with others if he or she wants to truly get ahead. After all, we ARE more than Rats and mice in a maze. We CAN work together to solve our problems and gain what we want and need.
True Players can see the many "games" people play in order to get ahead (or to "get over") in Life. They are aware of the tricks and tactics people use just to survive everyday life. They recognize the secret agendas and propaganda used by individuals, groups, and organizations to brainwash and control the mind of the masses.


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* Original definition from DZL MEDIA's "Promise Of Devotion" Series. (Copyright 2007)

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