How do you describe a person's talents, skills, education, knowledge, wisdom, creativity, level of determination, fortitude,
wit, and reaction time, etc. in ONE word?? You describe it as their Game. These are just a few of the "basic tools" they need
to have in order to navigate, survive, and compete in life.
We all have Game based on our Experiences, Resources, Influences, Interests, and Upbringing in Life. And these combination
of unique "ingredients" and Timing will affect the strengths and weaknesses of our Game. Also, other people's Game and the
Influence of their Game on others will affect our Game. That is why you must strive for The Zone when it's time to handle
your business. And you must be handling your business 24/7 (except on "Holidays"). You have to keep your "Pimp-Hand" strong
and your Game tight!
Your Game must radiate Strong Confident Vibes while your "pimp-senses" pick-up on and protect you from haterration, unfair
manipulation, and scandulous behavior and conspiracy by mercenary pimps and opportunists.
Let them ALL recognize your Game and be aware of your Powers of Perception, Self-Control, and Negotiation.
Let them know that your Game is straight-up DZL!
Some people use their Game for Good. Some people use theirs for Evil. It's a fact of Life. One man's "Needs" are another
man's "Burdens". Bad Pimpin' is bad for Business. Yet a man is set in his heart to do Evil only to his downfall and destruction
over and over again - throughout History. He would rather die trying to prove a point rather than being honored for the goodwill
and peace he has been Blessed to give his People and Family. He would rather be a con-artist and practice mischief than build
his bank account up through the use of fair dealings and good Game. He doesn't consider Longevity - only a quick trick, headgames,
or a scam.
Therefore, let ALL Aspiring Players Beware! Don't let the Mercenary Pimp take you for a ride and "PLAY" you for your hard-earned
money or use you and humiliate you with one of their wicked plans or schemes!
Use Your Player Senses!
The Five Basic Senses (touch, sight, smell, taste, hearing) are controlled by your physical interactions and observations.
Emotions - the sixth sense, are controlled by your interactions, self-discipline, observations, unique personality,
fears, desires, needs, and subconscious beliefs.
Instinct - the seventh sense, these are developed from observation, wisdom, experience, and education.
Vibe - the eighth sense, is awareness of positive and negative energy; this also comes from experience and observation.
Perception - the ninth sense, is observation; awareness; the ability to "read" people and their actions; calculation; knowledge
of human nature, knowledge of cycles and situations; awareness of positive and negative energy.
Vision - the tenth sense, is awareness of cycles and opportunities; the ability to recognize or understand
events before they happen; concentration, calmness, and patience comes from experience and timing rather than "luck"
or "chance"; creative ideas and wise judgement comes from here; you feel and understand the negative and positive consequences
of actions before they take place. That's Space-Age Pimpin' and being in The Zone...
But being in The Zone comes with a price: You must constantly fight to control Supreme Game so that its Power won't
control you. You must not "flip-the-script"! Don't let The Game turn your heart and mercy cold.
And never be too wise and play yourself for a fool. Greed, Domination, Oppression, and Over-Extending your pimpin'
can lead to your downfall. Be wise and consider the downfalls and tragic ends of Great Leaders in the past. They have
built themselves up! They have created outstanding Empires! They had the potential to improve the World! But instead, they
turned to The DarkSide and used their Supreme Game for unscrupulous purposes! This is a sign of Bad Karma and a lesson to
be learned of Karmatic Revenge.
Let your Experience and Knowledge teach you and lead you down to The Good Path and The Golden Road to the Land Of Milk
and Honey...
Keep your "pimp-senses" Strong at all times, and your Game will be tight at all times! Stackin', Relaxing, Having Fun,
Enjoying Our Families, Hobbies, Interests, and Life are the products of Good Game. These things help to improve our Game because
they bring Inner Peace and Joy to our lives. They keep our minds Fresh and Collected. That's what Good Game is all about.
You don't have to think about it because it's Natural. Just, enjoy life. And Good Practice helps to make it Automatic.
Those who Understand it are Elevating in Life all the time...
Their mind, body, spirit, and Game is sychronized and works in perfect unison. It shows in their aura and personality.
It shows in their demeanor and style... how they deal with other people and Good and Bad Situations. It shows in their strength,
courage, and spirit! They somehow manage to enjoy life just the same as everybody else, if not better, without all of the
mischief, drama, secret agendas, and propaganda.
They have broken OUT of The Rat Race and living a life of Love, Peace, Comfort,
Good Vibes, and Luxury... YOU CAN TOO. But, you must put your Intuition, Instinct, and Overall Game to work! These are the
"pimp senses"!
Use half of your Game to Come up in life, and half of your Game to regulate these
unsavory Players and "pimps" in The Game. When your "pimp senses" start tingling, stay on your toes, and keep your eyes open...
Recognize the Game! And, Don't let a sucka' play you out!
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