We live in a crazy world. It's fast-paced, chaotic, and dangerous. Oftentimes, it can
be a struggle just to keep up let alone stay ahead of the game.
Those of us who have lost hope and who have fallen by the wayside are "casualties of war"
- victims of the "Rat Race" and "The Game Of Life".
Thousands of obstacles stand in your way. Time is Never on your side. The Future comes
and goes in a blink of an eye. And the odds of reaching your goals and achieving success are stacked against you.
But consider this...
There are and have been a lot of famous, important, and powerful people not
as smart as you who have found the secret to enjoying Life while at the same time achieving their goals, dreams, and
discovering Success.
What is their Secret?
Magnetism? Persuasion? Tolerance? Perseverance? Giving? The Right Connections?
What tactics did they use to reach the Top?
What is the key to happiness, a good life, and success?
Open your mind and take a closer look. ANY of these things
can help you in your quest for Happiness, Success, and a Good Life. Why not? It has help them.
But, Don't consider "luck" to be an option. "Luck" will present itself when you're in
the right place at the right time - and only God knows when that will be.
Now, stop and listen for a minute...
If you want to know the one true thing you must do before you can be a success, then keep
these three "magic" words in your head at all times:
It's that simple. You can't succeed, have a good time, or enjoy life if you don't try.
You must make the effort.
Just as a "party pooper" will ruin a good time by refusing to join in on the fun, so will
an Aspiring Player ruin his or her chances of happiness by not making an effort to be successful.
The gains don't have to be financial. They can emotional, physical, spiritual... or, whatever.
But the key is to "make an effort".
Make an effort to have fun.
Make an effort to improve your life.
Make an effort to improve your spirit.
Make an effort to stack some cash.
Make an effort to build your business.
Make an effort to learn.
Above all, make an effort to enjoy life.
Don't hold back. Don't be afraid. Don't wait. Don't procrastinate.
Be like Nike and "Just Do It."
Whatever you know you need to do to be successful, make an effort to do it and stick to
It's that simple.
Now, make an effort to practice this principle.